The Journey to better health!
This journey has been an exciting one. It all began one chilly Saturday in November of 2016. My husband (Willis Russell) and I walked into TaeKwonDo America in Concord North Carolina and this day has forever changed both our lives. We were your typical couch potatoes, working out here and there, but nothing as serious as this journey we were about to take. In my life, I have had some major health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes, and taking an average of five pills per day as well as a daily diabetes injection, I knew that I was on a road that would eventually lead to a long life of complications or even death. My husband and I had always talked about doing TaeKwonDo but figured; at the age of 50, we were too old. How wrong we were! Since we have made TaeKwonDo, a part of our life my life has taken on a drastic change, not only in weight and confidence, but in my health as well. Since beginning this program, I have dropped my average blood pressure number from 180/90 to an all-time low of 130/70! I have dropped my A1C numbers from 8.5% in May of 2016 to 6.3% in May of 2017. A normal range for not having diabetes is 4.1% – 6.2%. I am well on my way! Glucose levels from 147 in 2016 to 95 in 2017. A normal range for glucose levels are 74 – 118! I know that I have a ways to go, as I continue to change my diet and through my participating in TaeKwonDo, I am getting there one-step at a time.
Thanks to Mr. Sean Baxter and all of the TaeKwonDo instructors, for not ever letting me give up!